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Short Screenplays

Below are some of the short screenplays that I've written that serve as samples of my skill as a writer.


After 139 years, a comet with the power to manipulate time and space passes by earth bringing nothing but chaos.


I decided to make a zero budget Sci-fi short film based on THE GREAT COMET OF 1882.


I fell in love with the stories of this comet and decided to add more to it. I gave this comet the power to manipulate time in destructive ways. This comet affected people in September 1882 and after 760 years it is back on September 2021 to bring chaos. And this short script is a fraction to the comet's true powers. Hope you enjoy. 


But what amazes me most about this film is I started with an idea of an man stuck in the toilet, and somehow it turned into a mind-bending sci-fi short film.

Poster by Naomi Berur Jebet.

Instagram @berur_c
Screenplay page sample

I am not usually a fan of adding camera directions to my scripts because I believe they sometimes get in the way of the storytelling. Though in this screenplay I was forced to because I was not telling a story rather I was exploring a concept of time in the small spaces of my home, and I needed the camera directions to do that.

I managed to get the short film made. There was no CGI or any kind effects. Just me, a phone, a house and my two good friends. We managed to make a Sci-fi short film. A project that I am proud of.


To watch the short film, click either of the buttons below:

To download Screenplay click button below.

I think I am God

A girl pursues her career in filmmaking as a dark faceless mysterious figure follows her everywhere.


"No one is judging."


Before this short film, I had written and was already in producing another short film titled, CHARLIE CHARLIE. Production did not go as planned and I had to put it on hold. I was discourage and ended up blaming myself for things I had no control over. But my friends and family never judged me for the things I blamed myself, in fact they assured me they didn't.


Thus this script was born. I did not think about anything, be it structure or arcs. I only thought of my flaw of playing God in my life.


But do admit that me no thinking about structure did give the film it's flaws, it still something I'm proud of, and it was a healing experience.


This film, for me, is proof that stories are the best ways for me to speak, and it's a path worth dying for.

Poster by Naomi Berur Jebet.
Instagram @berur_c
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